Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just when you thought you knew Swiss Army Knives

I've always assumed there was this artificial division between "electronic" gadgets and the perhaps more manual "tools". Today that wall was demolished and I have seen the light! Check out the Presentation Master 32GB from Victorinox, the Swiss Army Knife you can actually use at your day job!

The Swiss Army Knife "Classic" has been useful in tight spots for as far back as I can remember, it's useful tools and small profile have allowed it to be taken places where larger tools couldn't access. To be real honest, the tool is perfect for its purpose and really didn't need any improvement...but someone, somewhere in an R&D department at Victorinox decided that nothing is perfect and everything can be improved!

This little beauty has a built-in USB drive with data encryption that requires fingerprint access!! You can choose from 8GB, 16GB or 32GB, and you have the choice to have the other blades or not (for you airline travelers!). It also has an integrated Bluetooth® remote and laser pointer.

You can transfer files between work and home, keep your fingernails neat, or drive the cat crazy with that little red dot, if there has ever been a better reason to bring a gadget to the office, I can't remember it.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Reason Growing up is Cool

Do you remember when you were a kid and you realized that one day you wold have to grow-up, and when that time came, playing in a tree house wouldn't be fun anymore? OK, well I wasn't ever lucky enough to have a tree house, but the premise stands. Growing up means leaving the *fun* of childhood behind.

Well apparently not. Check out this Nerf "machine gun". It is an automated (battery powered) "cannon" that shoots up to three Nerf darts per second! It is apparently only available in the U.K. for a price few children will pay, so if you can get your hands on one, you will reign alone as the king of the hill.

I guess growing up only means leaving losing behind...


Monday, February 15, 2010

G-n-G Rebooted

Well lets give this a try again...Welcome to the "all new" Gadget and Gear blog, your home for everything you are going to absolutely need, even if you don't know it yet! To emphasize my dedication to all things gadget and gear related, I'm actually going to kick this off by sharing my "Favorite Piece of Gear" (non-technical category): my Leatherman Charge tti!

Although this little beauty weighs about seventeen pounds, there is almost nothing I can't do in my (incredibly demanding) life with it. At one point I found that one of the bits for the large...uh..."bit holder" (?) allowed me to assemble my daughters crib without having to find the proprietary "tool" that came with the crib. Pull this baby out when you are with a group of guys and two statements arise, "you must be the biggest geek I've ever met" and more importantly, "Man, I wish I had one of those...". They really do.

So what is your "Favorite Piece of Gear" (non-technical category)? The only limitation is that it cannot be  electronic in nature. Email me and I will post them!
