Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just when you thought you knew Swiss Army Knives

I've always assumed there was this artificial division between "electronic" gadgets and the perhaps more manual "tools". Today that wall was demolished and I have seen the light! Check out the Presentation Master 32GB from Victorinox, the Swiss Army Knife you can actually use at your day job!

The Swiss Army Knife "Classic" has been useful in tight spots for as far back as I can remember, it's useful tools and small profile have allowed it to be taken places where larger tools couldn't access. To be real honest, the tool is perfect for its purpose and really didn't need any improvement...but someone, somewhere in an R&D department at Victorinox decided that nothing is perfect and everything can be improved!

This little beauty has a built-in USB drive with data encryption that requires fingerprint access!! You can choose from 8GB, 16GB or 32GB, and you have the choice to have the other blades or not (for you airline travelers!). It also has an integrated Bluetooth® remote and laser pointer.

You can transfer files between work and home, keep your fingernails neat, or drive the cat crazy with that little red dot, if there has ever been a better reason to bring a gadget to the office, I can't remember it.
